How I Even Got Here

For my first “real” post on this blog, I wanted to start with one thing – failure. More specifically, my failure. Let me take you back…

It was sometime in October 2017. I was sitting in class, when a guest presenter came in to talk about their study abroad experience with NSLI-Y. I was immediately captivated – a fully funded language immersion program, who would turn away a chance like that? So, I applied. I scrounged together my essays, managed to secure a recommendation letter, and filled out the application online. I hit submit, putting my fate in the hands of some people I would likely never see.

A few months later, I received my semifinalist email. Until that point, I had been playing it cool, but I was soon enveloped by a combination of nervousness and excitement. I was swept up in a whirlwind of NSLI-Y related events: from getting my passport to completing my interview. I made some great friends on the Facebook chat (shoutout to Zackary – update: he also made it into Korea summer this year!!!!) and we all anxiously predicted notification dates as we sat waiting.

Spoiler Alert: I didn’t get in.

I was devastated, but I was also filled with a strange feeling of acceptance, as if I knew somewhere deep down I wouldn’t get in. Looking back, I’m almost glad I didn’t get it that year – somehow the timing just didn’t seem right. So, I focused on school, learning the language, and preparing for next year’s application. By the time the applications opened, I was prepared. I got a recommendation from my world history teacher well in advance, wrote and rewrote my essays until I wasn’t even sure if they were any good, and once again submitted my application. I got my semifinalist acceptance email and went to my interview – where I was definitely more confident than last year. And then I waited, and waited, and waited.

And I got in.

So, for all you prospective applicants, former rejectees, or anyone really – let yourself fail sometimes. It only makes it that much more rewarding when you come back and succeed.

Ah, last year’s rejection email

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