The One Where I Try American Fast Food in China

Today was my host sister’s last day of school, so I ended up leaving the house a bit later than usual. I still felt a bit tired and unfocused, but I pulled through the day just fine so no worries. 

For our culture class today, we learned how to do some paper cutting, which was something I loved to do as it kid. It was pretty relaxing and really helped me end the school day on a positive note. I made a fat panda and a flower design. 

During our time with our local coordinators, we learned how to play mahjong. I also got pulled aside a bit by the coordinators who told me that they wanted to get to know me better because I’m a bit reserved. They’re not wrong, although I’m usually quieter during the LC sessions because there’s not much for me to say. Still, it made me happy to know that they were looking out for me. 

I went home with my host dad today, and since the rest of the family was getting home later, we ended up eating out. I had a total facepalm moment when my host dad asked if I wanted fried chicken and I said I didn’t know what that was (because I misheard him). In other words, my listening comprehension skills still need a lot of work. 

Anyways, we went to Chinese KFC, which is highkey better than American KFC. For one, the inside of the restaurant is pretty nice (I even saw a few people studying in there). They also have delicious-looking drinks and desserts. Finally, the fried chicken itself has a distinct Sichuan brand of spiciness, which is really good. 

Other than that, I just did homework and watched TV as per usual. The drama I was watching was actually pretty interesting. It kind of involves competitive gaming, and one of the main characters is a computer engineer and former competitive gamer. Watching it, I definitely felt like my skills were improving a bit since I was able to understand a good portion of what they were saying (having Mandarin subtitles helped).

WOTD: 剪纸 (jiǎn zhǐ) – paper cutting

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